Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ryker's First Day of Preschool

We are all finally getting into the groove of things with having Brecken in school all day...and its going great! Ryker just started his first day of school on Monday! He has been so excited to finally go to school! Day one was just an orientation for parents and the kids got to just check out their room, find their hooks, name tags, etc and play in the gym with their friends until we finished up the parents meeting. He didn't want to leave when we went to get him from the gym after our meeting..he was having lots of fun! On the way home he said, 'i think i talked to everybody, mom'. I had talked with him prior to school starting about manners at school, bathroom ettiquette in school, and how to respect his friends, teachers, and his classroom. He must have remembered something and was nice to alllll his friends! :)

Today was the second day of school and Ry was anxious all morning..walking around with his backpack and jacket on. 12:18p.m. rolls around and we hop in the van after he packed up his show and tell. (Brown is the color of the yesterday we looked for a brown toy to take with..he decides on his new green webkinz instead. I explained that he should try to find something that has brown on it..he told me that his webkinz had brown eyes and he will just tell everybody that! that was what he was taking!) ..back to hopping in the van... Dead Battery. I had to cancel my dentist appointment and have Joe bring me keys to the absolute piece of SHIT car that sits in our driveway so i could get Ryker to school..even though he was quite late already. Not a good start to our day..but we found his name tag and his spot on the floor on the 'R' mat where the rest of his class was listening to a story-so he didn't miss much, thank goodness. I would have felt horrible! He had a great day despite the crazy lazy start. He made a gingerbread man craft in the 'art room'. He thinks that is pretty cool because Breck's preschool didn't have a separate room for crafts and art.

The one good thing out of this whole crazy mess today...i was forced to cancel my dentist appointment, and went for a much needed 3 mile run instead! ;)

Ryker's First Day of Preschool
September 8, 2008

On the way out the door!

Walking into his School with his cool new backpack.

Finding the 'R' hook for his coat and backpack.

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